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Natural Heather - Wool-Ease Yarn
Rug Backing - We R Memory Keepers
Size 10 15/Pkg - Applique Needles
White - Invisible Zipper 20" To 22"
Charcoal Grey - Vanna's Choice Yarn
Cuyahoga Valley - Heartland Yarn
DMC S712 Cream - Satin Floss 8.7yd
DMC S553 Violet - Satin Floss 8.7yd
Dark Rose Heather - Wool-Ease Yarn
Blue - Water-Soluble Marker - Thick
Tropical - Red Heart Scrubby Yarn
Size 9 - Tulip Sewing Needles 8/Pkg
Black - DIYarn
Yellow - DIYarn
5"X.5" - Mini Stretcher Bars
Pink - Baby's Best Yarn
Chi - Lion Brand Mandala Ombre Yarn